Latest News
Exciting news -
Out now!
The second anthology of my published stories. 'A Kiss in the Dark 2- More than a Kiss' is ready to go.
My YA novel titled, 'Surviving the Ravenous' has been published by CAAB Publishing LTD. Amazing!
Buy it here.
New anthology BORN IN A BLACK CAB is out now and has one of my stories included.
I was recently voted, 'Favourite Author of the Month' by Poll Horror. Thank you to all who voted. It was an honour.
New anthology Villainous has a story in it written by myself. One I am rather proud of as it mixes fantasy and horror. Take a peek here.
I have a link available for you all to a new book. It is written with the kind help of Esme Cross a magic user and spell caster. Please check it out now, it is available here.
It is with the greatest of pride I announce that I have started a new website for the Gem Master children's books that I am publishing with a wonderful young writer called Alexandria, come and see it here. Or buy our books here.
The first one is being well received, "Gem masters and the search for the unicorns tears."
And the next in the series, "Gem masters and the hunt for stardust."
Is out now!
Get it here.
Watch this space or check out the new site for more news.
Page and spine published my story called, 'Pink Shoes' which is lovely.
I had a great time being interviewed by a fellow author.
Read it here.
My writing group from when I lived in Sitges has released a book with a few of my stories in. Check it out.
'Fear' is a brilliant little story I wrote. I always liked it and I am thrilled that the Nightmare society will be including it in their anthology volume 2.
London Reader has featured one of my stories in their magazine this month. I hope their readers enjoy it.
Blood moon rising has put one of my stories in their magazine issue 71.
My first compilation of my previously published short stories and poems is still available.
Download it here if you fancy a read.
Its called, 'A Kiss in the Dark.'
Come and find me on Facebook. My author page is here.
Also, I had another featured piece. I am so glad of the support. View it here. So exciting.
I have a blog that I started a while ago. It is not used much these days but take a peek if you want to read a few pieces by me and other writers. Each week of the year I put up a writing challenge and tried to complete it. There were 52 challenges. Phew! Come and see it here. The blog has recently been changed to book reviews and advice, worth a peek.
I should also be lucky enough to have another short story featured in a new anthology being published by CAAB publishing. Take a peek at them here.
See my links page if you wish to purchase any of my previous publications.
About the author
"Mostly I write Horror but I chuck out a few fantasy and other genres when I feel the urge. I also write poetry when I am feeling melancholy or adventurous.
I live in West Sussex at the moment but I am originally from London, England. I enjoy archery, a good cocktail and sushi. My influences are Stephen King (whom I have loved since I was 15) and Terry Pratchett (who gave me encouragement and a place to escape to, RIP sir)
I am a mum and a wife and always get the same response when I say I write Horror. "But you seem so nice!"